Tag: investing

Interview with Joe, the Most Annoying Person in the History of Humanity (Part I of II)

Below is a word-by-word transcript of an interview with Joe, who insisted on being interviewed as "The Most Fascinating Person in the History of Humanity" but who is anything but.

--I can’t believe I’m doing this This interview is going to be a complete waste of time.

Joe Michael Sasanuma, who earlier today died at the eternal age of 18, never had a moment in which he didn't enjoy life.

He lived by the words "What's the point of living if you can't feel alive?", a line fittingly taken from the James Bond movie "The World is Not Enough".  Of the many things

If I had $50 million…

Last week, I learned of a ridiculous fact that Justin Bieber earned $50 million this year.  Besides making me think I definitely made a wrong career choice, it got me thinking about what I would do if I had $50 million...

I'll go to Monaco on a $1 million cruise trip and put $2 million on

In Stocks, “Cheap” is Different from “Undervalued”

My investment advice can be summarized one word:  valuation.  Through painful and expensive lessons in more than a decade of investing, I learned that when you buy “popular” stocks that everyone knows about, you get burned badly because they inevitably become overvalued.  It’s the function of the law of supply and demand.  When everyone’s buying

Is AAPL Overvalued?

Is Apple's stock (AAPL) overvalued?  As a person who's been following the stock since the mid 1990s and has owned shares since 2007, let me play devil's advocate.

Oh How I Love Myself

I love myself.

This blog is all about me, which is why I love it and I need people to read it, comment on it and love it.

If I'm partaking in a conversation, I need to be the center of attention.  I need people to laugh at my stories and show interest in what I say

Buy What You Understand

I think the best advice I can give anyone about stocks is "buy what you understand."

This mnemonic is easily confused with its deceptive cousin "Buy what you know."  People--and I used to be one of them--are fond of buying stocks of companies that they "know," usually from using the company's products but sometimes from something

It’s Not What You Buy, It’s When You Sell

A buddy suggested I write about stocks to increase readership to this blog.  Why he thinks this is a winning strategy is beyond me.  I wrote  about the same kind of stuff in a weekly column called "Strictly Business" 87 times in four years in college but I got more attention the one time I wrote

25 Random Crap About Me

My sister, that bored nincompoop, created Note in Facebook with a list of 25 random facts about herself and then created a "rule" under which an unfortunate soul who was tagged will have to do the same thing.  Presumably this is the most modern rendition of the cursed chain letter so the failure to respond

On the Many Things Making My Life Suck Right Now

My dad sent a random e-mail yesterday, reminding me  of the series of unfortunate events that have been taking place:

1) The Yankess did not make the playoffs; 2) The Patriots, sans Brady, is mediocre at best ten months after blowing the Super Bowl; and 3) The GOP got whacked earlier this month.

I also reminded him that the
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