Tag: reckless

The Three Rs I Live By–Respect, Responsibility and Restraint

I try to live by the three Rs:  Always be Respectful, often be Responsible and sometimes show Restraint.

The first R, the respect, comes from my belief that everyone on earth has the ability to contribute something for the betterment of society.

I suppose it's my faith in the fundamental goodness of human kind that underlies this belief, but the

The Amazingly Different Remarkableness of Japanese and Americans

Japanese and American people are truly remarkable people, although they amaze in entirely different ways.

The Japanese excel in order and discipline.

My favorite example to illustrate this is the shugaku ryokou, which is like a field trip for an entire grade over a couple nights at some exotic location like the historical city of Kyoto or Tokyo

My Admiration for Dreamers

I have great admiration for those who chase dreams because they exhibit the best of what it means to have a human experience.  I admire them because they live their life to the fullest.  Being a dreamer is a prerequisite for greatness.
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