Category: About the blog

Announcing Major Changes to the Blog

I have exciting news for the very few readers of this blog.

The site, which will celebrate its ninth anniversary this October, is getting a huge makeover that will make it easier for all readers to navigate through the contents.

Many of the benefits are associated with splitting the Japanese content from the English content that enables English-only readers

No, I’m Not Changing the Title of This Blog

As my friends can probably tell from my desperate pleas to read new posts every other Monday on Facebook, this blog does not get a lot of readers. I concede that the daily readership averages below one, and recently, the hits often don't reach double digits even on the Mondays that I put up a

What I Learned About Writing

I'll never forget the professor in my Legal Writing class in my first year of law school who said that English majors struggle mightily in the class.  It was a moment I realized that lawyers are one of the worst writers out of professionals whose job primarily revolves around writing.  Lawyers use "effect" as a

A Thirteen Month Anniversary for the Blog

Today, this blog turns 13 months old.  I would have celebrated the one year anniversary if only I had remembered to celebrate it.  That I'd forgotten is actually fitting for this rather irrelevant blog.

In 13 months, I have written 76 posts, averaging nearly 6 posts a month.  While the pace has slowed, I've tried to

Why I Don’t Talk Politics

A couple weeks ago, my high school buddies came over to my apartment, one of them kindly pointed out that he can see my office from my window, then tried to persuade me for hours on end that I should write about politics in my blog.  His point, as I understood it, was that no

Futility in Writing Effort

When you're an attorney, you're almost expected to be published.  In two law-related jobs that I've held, one of the first questions I was asked was "Were you on a law journal?"  I managed to survive at the law firm and with the judge despite my answer in the negative, but I could always see

Let the Irrelevance Commence

Due to popular demand (OK, one person's suggestion), I start this blog.

It's funny I start an official blog now.  For years, I've been publishing my irrelevant thoughts in one form or another.  Recently it's in the Notes on thefacebook or a Japanese diary in on Mixi.  In college, it was a business column titled Strictly
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